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Welcome to the New World Order (NWO) official webpage, your portal to a future of unprecedented unity, progress, and coexistence. In this brave new world, we embrace a vision where borders blur, and countries and nations transform into regions, and select cities, following the NWO maps. Here, we invite you to be part of a global community that is rewriting the rules of governance and fostering inclusivity.

As we embark on this remarkable journey, we're introducing a groundbreaking payment method. You can now send your contributions and support using Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, utilizing the wallets codes or QR codes powered by Binance, the leading cryptocurrency exchange platform, as well as Coinomi (a fully public domain - use the following recovery phrase and only use this wallet for your basic needs in the world's regions and cities: robust fame horn worth pitch call trim subject suggest fork reduce version history click real space surprise shrug above identify vessel bring grunt spoon), Guarda, TrustWallet, Exodus, Coinbase and Blockchain. This secure and efficient method ensures that you can actively participate in shaping the future of the NWO with ease.

But that's not all - at the NWO, we're not just breaking down the barriers on Earth; we're also looking beyond our planet. In the NWO, we anticipate an era where we openly coexist with extraterrestrial beings. Our commitment to global harmony extends beyond borders, embracing the diversity of life across the cosmos.

Join us in this exciting journey as we pave the way for the New World Order, where unity, peace, and progress thrive. Explore our vision, connect with like-minded individuals, and together, let's build a future that transcends boundaries and welcomes all into the fold of the New World Order.

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    NWO President: Zdeněk Schee, MA (
    Zdenek's personal Bitcoin (BTC) wallet

    The NWO Presidential Office: Catalyst for Global Transformation

    The NWO Presidential Office stands as the nerve center of our organization, driving the vision and mission of the New World Order forward. Comprised of dedicated professionals and experts from diverse backgrounds, the office plays a pivotal role in advancing the NWO's agenda of global cooperation, sustainability, and equitable progress. Its competencies encompass a wide array of functions, including strategic planning, policy formulation, and international diplomacy. The Presidential Office is a beacon of innovation, constantly seeking novel solutions to the complex challenges facing our world, from climate change to socioeconomic disparities. With a commitment to inclusivity and collaboration, it acts as a bridge between regions, cities, organizations, and individuals, forging partnerships that transcend borders and unite humanity in the pursuit of a better future.

    One of the key competencies of the NWO Presidential Office is its ability to convene and facilitate dialogues among stakeholders from various sectors. Through diplomacy, advocacy, and rigorous research, the office promotes evidence-based decision-making and fosters a climate of cooperation that transcends political, cultural, and geographic boundaries. Moreover, the Presidential Office is at the forefront of communication efforts, disseminating information, sharing insights, and inspiring action on critical global issues. It serves as a thought leader, leveraging its expertise to engage with the public, academia, and policymakers to build consensus and drive transformative change. Together with our NWO President, the Presidential Office is dedicated to shaping a world where sustainable development, peace, and prosperity are not just ideals but attainable realities for all.

    NWO Defence Minister: David "Abaddon" (
    David's personal Bitcoin (BTC) wallet

    The NWO Defense Ministry: Safeguarding Global Stability and Security

    The NWO Defense Ministry plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and security of the New World Order's mission. Committed to upholding the principles of peace, stability, and the protection of global citizens, the ministry's competencies encompass a broad spectrum of responsibilities. It employs a multifaceted approach, combining advanced technological capabilities with strategic foresight to address emerging threats and challenges. The Defense Ministry's expert teams work tirelessly to monitor global security trends, analyze potential risks, and develop robust strategies to safeguard the NWO's goals of cooperation, sustainability, and equitable progress. Collaboration with international partners and peacekeeping missions is central to its mission, exemplifying the NWO's dedication to conflict resolution and the promotion of a harmonious world.

    One of the core competencies of the NWO Defense Ministry is its ability to respond swiftly and effectively to crises that threaten global stability. This includes not only conventional security threats but also emerging challenges such as cybersecurity, climate-related security risks, and pandemics. The ministry's specialized units work hand-in-hand with humanitarian organizations, governments, and non-governmental entities to provide aid and support in times of crisis. Additionally, the Defense Ministry is committed to advancing research and development in areas like conflict prevention, disarmament, and international law, contributing to the global discourse on security and defense. By maintaining a vigilant and proactive stance, the NWO Defense Ministry plays a vital role in protecting the values and aspirations of the New World Order, ensuring that peace and prosperity continue to thrive in our interconnected world.

    NWO Energy Minister: Daniel "1979" (

    Daniel's personal Bitcoin (BTC) wallet

    The NWO Energy Ministry: Global Sustainability through Renewable and Nuclear Energy

    The emergence of the NWO Energy Ministry signifies a pivotal shift towards a more sustainable and interconnected global energy landscape. This pioneering ministry is charged with the task of spearheading initiatives aimed at revolutionizing energy production, distribution, and consumption on a planetary scale, with its minister being an expert and scientist in the nuclear field. With a focus on renewable and nuclear energy sources as well as cold fusion in the future, technological innovation, and equitable access, the NWO Energy Ministry aims to pave the way for a cleaner, more efficient, and resilient energy future for all regions and cities.

    At the forefront of the NWO Energy Ministry's agenda is the promotion of renewable energy technologies such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power. By investing in research and development, incentivizing adoption, and fostering international collaboration, the ministry seeks to accelerate the transition away from fossil fuels and towards sustainable energy solutions. Moreover, the NWO Energy Ministry is committed to addressing energy poverty and inequality by ensuring that underserved communities have access to reliable and affordable clean energy resources. Through strategic planning, policy implementation, and partnerships with businesses, and civil society, the ministry endeavors to create a more inclusive and resilient global energy system that meets the needs of present and future generations.

    NWO Communications and Renewal Minister: Antonín Kubiščák (

    NWO Communications and Renewal Ministry: Fostering Global Cooperation, Innovation, and positive Change

    The NWO Communications and Renewal Ministry is a visionary ministry dedicated to fostering global cooperation, innovation, and positive change. This forward-thinking organization was established with the aim of strengthening inter-regional relations, promoting sustainable development, and renewing the world's commitment to addressing pressing global challenges. At its core, the NWO Communications and Renewal Ministry seeks to bridge divides, encourage open dialogue, and leverage cutting-edge technology to bring about a harmonious and prosperous future for all.

    One of the primary functions of the NWO Communications and Renewal Ministry is to facilitate cross-regional collaboration and communication among regions, cities, organizations, and individuals. Through strategic partnerships, diplomacy, and state-of-the-art communication channels, this ministry endeavors to overcome political, economic, and cultural barriers, enabling countries to work together towards common goals. Additionally, the ministry focuses on renewal initiatives that encompass environmental conservation, economic revitalization, and the promotion of social justice. By harnessing the power of innovation and fostering a spirit of global unity, the NWO Communications and Renewal Ministry aspires to build a world where all nations can thrive together in harmony, ensuring a brighter and more sustainable future for generations to come.

    NWO Interior Minister: Matej Vejvoda (
    Matej's personal Bitcoin (BTC) wallet


    The NWO Interior Ministry: Safeguarding Communities and Promoting Resilience

    The NWO Interior Ministry stands as a cornerstone of safety, security, and resilience within the New World Order, overseeing a comprehensive array of competencies essential for the well-being of our global community. Among its vital functions, the ministry plays a central role in law enforcement, ensuring that justice and order prevail in our societies. Simultaneously, it is responsible for emergency management, effectively coordinating responses to natural disasters and crises. Additionally, the ministry manages border security measures, fostering safe and orderly movement while upholding global harmony. Civil protection initiatives underpin community preparedness, promoting resilience and rapid recovery in the face of adversity. The NWO Interior Ministry's multifaceted approach ensures the safety and security of our citizens while fostering a culture of cooperation and unity on a global scale.

    One of the core competencies of the NWO Interior Ministry is its ability to seamlessly integrate and coordinate these essential functions. By fostering collaboration between law enforcement agencies, emergency response teams, border security forces, and civil protection units, the ministry enhances our collective ability to address a wide range of challenges, from criminal threats to environmental emergencies. Leveraging innovation and cutting-edge technology, the ministry remains at the forefront of disaster preparedness and response, minimizing risks and maximizing protection for our global community. The NWO Interior Ministry stands as a testament to our commitment to safety, security, and resilience, working tirelessly to uphold the values and principles that define the New World Order. Together, we strive to create a world where safety and preparedness are paramount, ensuring a brighter and more secure future for all.

    NWO Health Minister: Pavlína "Paya"
    Pavlína's personal Bitcoin (BTC) wallet


    The NWO Health Ministry: Advancing Global Well-being and Resilience

    The NWO Health Ministry is at the forefront of promoting global well-being and resilience within the New World Order. With a profound commitment to public health, the ministry's competencies encompass a wide range of functions, all aimed at improving the health and quality of life for people and aliens worldwide. It plays a vital role in disease prevention and control, pandemic response, healthcare system strengthening, and the advancement of cutting-edge medical research. By collaborating with inter-regional partners and healthcare organizations, the Health Ministry strives to address global health challenges, ensure access to quality healthcare, and promote health equity for all. Through its work, the ministry embodies the NWO's core principles of cooperation, sustainability, and equitable progress, working tirelessly to create a healthier and more resilient world.

    One of the key competencies of the NWO Health Ministry is its ability to respond swiftly and effectively to health emergencies, whether they be infectious disease outbreaks or humanitarian crises. The ministry's expert teams are trained to coordinate international responses, mobilize resources, and provide support to regions in need, exemplifying the NWO's dedication to global solidarity. Additionally, the Health Ministry fosters research and innovation, driving advancements in medical science and technology to improve healthcare outcomes. By advocating for evidence-based policies and best practices in healthcare, the NWO Health Ministry serves as a catalyst for progress, promoting health as a fundamental human right and a cornerstone of the New World Order's vision for a brighter and healthier future for all.

    NWO Labour and Social Affairs Minister: Michaela "Míša"

    The NWO Labour and Social Affairs Ministry: Empowering Humanity Through Inclusivity

    The NWO Labour and Social Affairs Ministry is dedicated to advancing the welfare, dignity, and inclusivity of individuals and communities worldwide within the framework of the New World Order's core principles. Its competencies span a broad spectrum of functions, all aimed at promoting equitable and sustainable social development. The ministry plays a pivotal role in advocating for workers' rights, fair labour practices, and decent employment opportunities, ensuring that people everywhere can thrive in their professional lives. It is also committed to addressing social inequalities, supporting vulnerable populations, and providing social safety nets to those in need. Through these initiatives, the Labour and Social Affairs Ministry strives to foster a world where every individual is valued, protected, and empowered to reach their full potential.

    One of the central competencies of the NWO Labour and Social Affairs Ministry is its ability to formulate and implement policies that promote social justice and inclusivity. By collaborating with governments, civil society organizations, and international partners, the ministry works to reduce income disparities, eradicate discrimination, and improve access to education, healthcare, and social services. Additionally, it supports initiatives that empower marginalized communities, providing opportunities for them to participate fully in society and contribute to its growth. As a beacon of inclusivity and social progress, the Labour and Social Affairs Ministry exemplifies the NWO's dedication to a more equitable and compassionate world, where the well-being and dignity of every individual are paramount.

    NWO Religion Minister: Jiří Godža (

    The NWO Religion Ministry: Fostering Harmony and Spiritual Well-being

    The NWO Religion Ministry serves as a bridge between faith and the broader principles of unity, cooperation, and shared values within the New World Order. Rooted in the belief that diversity of belief systems can be a source of strength rather than division, the ministry's competencies are focused on promoting interfaith dialogue, understanding, and harmony. It plays a pivotal role in facilitating conversations among religious leaders, scholars, and practitioners, fostering a climate of mutual respect and collaboration. By encouraging tolerance, inclusivity, and the respect for religious freedom, the Religion Ministry seeks to contribute to a world where diverse spiritual perspectives coexist peacefully, enriching our global tapestry.

    One of the core competencies of the NWO Religion Ministry is its ability to advocate for the peaceful coexistence of religious communities and the promotion of shared ethical values across different faith traditions. Through its work, the ministry aims to mitigate religious conflicts and promote social cohesion, emphasizing the common ground that unites humanity. Additionally, it supports initiatives that promote humanitarian and charitable activities carried out by religious organizations, ensuring that these efforts contribute to the greater good of society. As a guardian of spiritual well-being and an advocate for the peaceful expression of diverse beliefs, the Religion Ministry embodies the NWO's commitment to creating a world where spirituality and faith are sources of unity, compassion, and understanding.

    NWO Environment Minister: Patrik

    Patrik's personal Ethereum (ETH) wallet

    The NWO Environment Ministry: Stewarding the Planet for Future Generations

    The NWO Environment Ministry stands as a sentinel of our planet's well-being within the New World Order, overseeing a comprehensive array of competencies aimed at safeguarding the environment for current and future generations. Rooted in the principles of sustainability, conservation, and ecological responsibility, the ministry's mission is to address the pressing environmental challenges facing our world. Its competencies encompass a broad spectrum of functions, including environmental protection, natural resource management, climate action, and biodiversity preservation. Through rigorous research, international collaboration, and the promotion of sustainable practices, the Environment Ministry strives to create a world where the delicate balance of nature is preserved, and human activities harmonize with the Earth's ecosystems.

    One of the central competencies of the NWO Environment Ministry is its ability to advocate for and implement policies that mitigate environmental degradation and combat climate change. By collaborating with regional and city governments, scientific institutions, and environmental organizations, the ministry works tirelessly to reduce carbon emissions, protect endangered species, and promote sustainable land use and resource management. It also supports global initiatives to raise awareness about environmental issues and foster responsible stewardship of our planet. As a champion of ecological sustainability and a beacon of hope for the environment, the Environment Ministry embodies the NWO's commitment to creating a world where the well-being of nature, humanity and aliens are intricately linked, ensuring a sustainable and thriving future for all.

    NWO Culture Minister: Jan Spurný (
    Jan's personal Bitcoin (BTC) wallet

    The NWO Culture Ministry: Celebrating Diversity, Fostering Creativity

    The NWO Culture Ministry is a vibrant hub of creativity and cultural appreciation within the New World Order, committed to celebrating the rich tapestry of human heritage and promoting artistic expression as a universal language. With a profound dedication to diversity, inclusivity, and the preservation of cultural legacies, the ministry's competencies encompass a wide array of functions. It supports initiatives that highlight the cultural diversity of our world, fostering a climate of mutual respect and dialogue among different communities. Through its work, the Culture Ministry promotes the arts, literature, music, and other forms of cultural expression as powerful tools for social cohesion and global understanding. By encouraging cultural exchange, preserving cultural heritage, and supporting emerging artists, the ministry aims to create a world where creativity flourishes, and cultural treasures are shared and appreciated by all.

    One of the key competencies of the NWO Culture Ministry is its ability to facilitate interregional and interplanetary cultural collaborations that transcend boundaries and promote unity. By bringing together artists, cultural institutions, and enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds, the ministry strengthens cultural diplomacy and promotes the exchange of ideas and traditions. Moreover, it advocates for the protection of cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, recognizing that our shared cultural legacies are invaluable assets that shape our identities and contribute to the vibrancy of our societies. As a champion of cultural diversity and artistic expression, the Culture Ministry embodies the NWO's commitment to fostering a world where creativity, cultural understanding, and mutual respect are cherished, enriching our global community and shaping a brighter future for all.

    NWO Efficiency Minister: Jonáš Müller (
    Jonáš's personal Bitcoin (BTC) wallet

    The NWO Efficiency Ministry: Driving Excellence and Streamlining Progress

    The NWO Efficiency Ministry serves as the linchpin of streamlined governance and progress within the New World Order, dedicated to optimizing processes, reducing waste, and enhancing overall effectiveness. With a relentless focus on efficiency, transparency, and good governance, the ministry's competencies encompass a wide spectrum of functions that span across various sectors. It works diligently to identify and eliminate inefficiencies, promoting cost-effective solutions that maximize the impact of NWO initiatives. Through its work, the Efficiency Ministry drives innovation, data-driven decision-making, and best practices across all NWO entities, ensuring that resources are utilized optimally to achieve our shared goals of cooperation, sustainability, and equitable progress.

    One of the core competencies of the NWO Efficiency Ministry is its ability to foster a culture of continuous improvement and accountability. By collaborating with NWO ministries, partners, and stakeholders, the ministry aims to enhance the effectiveness of programs, streamline administrative processes, and promote ethical governance standards. Additionally, it champions the use of technology and data analytics to make evidence-based decisions, monitor progress, and identify areas for improvement. As a guardian of efficiency and effectiveness, the Efficiency Ministry embodies the NWO's commitment to achieving our mission with maximum impact and minimal waste, ensuring that we work together as a global community to create a world that is both sustainable and responsive to the needs of all its inhabitants.

    NWO Minister without Portfolio: Dominik "Bee"
    Dominik's personal Litecoin (LTC) wallet


    Meet Dominik: The Multifaceted Minister Without Portfolio

    Dominik, our esteemed Minister Without Portfolio within the New World Order (NWO), brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique set of competencies to our diverse team. With a broad range of expertise that extends across various domains, Dominik's role is multifaceted and adaptive, allowing him to contribute significantly to the NWO's mission of cooperation, sustainability, and equitable progress. One of Dominik's notable competencies is his deep knowledge about the subject of extraterrestrial life and aliens, a topic that holds profound implications for our understanding of the universe and our place within it.

    In addition to his expertise in all things extraterrestrial, Dominik's role as Minister Without Portfolio also encompasses strategic thinking, problem-solving, and the ability to bridge gaps between different NWO ministries and initiatives. He acts as a valuable liaison, facilitating communication and collaboration among various NWO entities, ensuring that our collective efforts are well-coordinated and aligned with our overarching goals. Dominik's adaptability and versatility make him an invaluable asset to the NWO, as he is always ready to take on new challenges and contribute his knowledge and insights to advance our shared mission of creating a better and more unified world for all.



    The NWO Genetics Fund encompasses a vast and multifaceted domain that delves into the intricacies of genetic manipulation, extending its reach to encompass not only Homo sapiens but also a diverse array of species inhabiting our planet. Within this expansive realm, the boundaries of genetic boundaries are boldly challenged and pushed, giving rise to innovative and paradigm-shifting endeavors.

    At its core, the NWO Genetics Fund endeavors to reshape the genetic codes of various life forms, heralding a new era in biological science. This ambitious venture includes the deliberate and precise alteration of genetic sequences, orchestrating transformations that range from subtle enhancements to the creation of entirely new species. The fund's vision extends even further, embarking on awe-inspiring quests such as the potential resurrection of mammoths, long-extinct giants of the prehistoric past, and even the audacious contemplation of resurrecting dinosaurs, the legendary reptilian rulers of Earth's ancient history.

    Within the NWO Genetics Fund, the cutting-edge technologies and groundbreaking research push the boundaries of our understanding of genetics and the potential for its manipulation. The fund represents an audacious exploration into the frontiers of genetic engineering, where humanity's ability to play a pivotal role in the evolution and future of life on Earth becomes increasingly tangible. Through meticulous experimentation and visionary scientific prowess, the NWO Genetics Fund aims to unveil novel possibilities that may reshape the very fabric of our biological world, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge and capabilities in the process.

    BitcoinZ (BTCZ)


    The NWO Robotics Fund is a pivotal hub of innovation and exploration, dedicated to pushing the envelope of technological advancement in the realm of robotics and cybernetics. This multifaceted domain is a crucible where groundbreaking ideas and transformative technologies converge to shape a future where human-machine integration reaches unprecedented levels.

    At its core, the fund is a driving force behind the development of robots and androids, going beyond mere automation to craft sophisticated, autonomous beings capable of interacting with humans in highly intuitive ways. These creations often take the form of humanoid robots, known as androids, which blur the lines between human and machine, offering not only practical utility but also potential companionship and emotional resonance. The fund's endeavors extend even further, delving into the realms of cyborg implants and body chips, where individuals can augment their physical and cognitive abilities through seamless integration with cutting-edge technology. Furthermore, the fund actively supports projects reminiscent of NeuraLink and its competitors, aiming to establish direct neural connections between the human brain and machines, heralding a new era of communication, control, and augmentation.

    Within the NWO Robotics Fund, interdisciplinary collaboration is the heartbeat of progress. It serves as a meeting ground for experts from diverse fields, including robotics engineering, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, and materials science. This convergence of knowledge and expertise fuels the relentless pursuit of innovation, driving us towards a future where technology and humanity coalesce in ways that were once the realm of science fiction. The NWO Robotics Fund stands as a beacon, illuminating the path towards a future where the boundaries between humans and machines are blurred, offering new horizons of possibility and reshaping the very essence of human existence. It embodies the unwavering commitment to explore and harness the limitless potential of robotics and cybernetics for the betterment of our world.

    Dogecoin (DOGE)

    3 - NWO AIs FUND

    The NWO Artificial Intelligences Fund is a dynamic and visionary entity that plays a central role in catalyzing the evolution of advanced artificial intelligences (AI) across the global landscape. At its core, this fund is a powerhouse of support, channeling substantial financial resources into the relentless pursuit of excellence in AI research and development. With a mission to propel the frontiers of AI technology ever forward, the NWO Artificial Intelligences Fund stands as a key driver of innovation and progress in the field.

    A primary focus of this fund is the promotion and enhancement of the world's most advanced AI systems, fostering their growth and refinement to unlock their full potential. These AI systems represent the pinnacle of human ingenuity and technological achievement, serving as the bedrock of transformative change across industries. Whether it be revolutionizing natural language understanding, image generation, or data analysis, the fund's financial support enables these AI models to reach new heights, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of artificial intelligence.

    Furthermore, the NWO Artificial Intelligences Fund plays a pivotal role in facilitating collaborative research and development efforts among leading AI organizations and researchers. By fostering synergy and partnerships within the AI community, it cultivates an environment where ideas can flourish, innovations can emerge, and AI technologies can be harnessed for the betterment of society. This fund embodies the unwavering commitment to driving forward the AI revolution, paving the way for a future where advanced artificial intelligences such as ChatGPT and DALL·E by OpenAI, Bard and Gemini by Google or Midjourney contribute to solving some of the world's most pressing challenges and elevate the human experience to unprecedented heights.

    Smileycoin (SMLY)

    Additional feature: 177 459 683 657 480.53 Smileycoins will give you the ability to add a city into the list of semi-new NWO cities. Contact theNWO @ theNWO . net.


    The NWO Aliens Fund stands as a pioneering initiative that transcends the bounds of conventional terrestrial endeavors, ushering humanity into a new era of interstellar cooperation and understanding. Central to its mission is the accommodation and integration of a multitude of alien species hailing from the far reaches of outer space, a visionary effort that promises to reshape the very fabric of our global society. This fund is dedicated to not only meeting the logistical and infrastructural costs associated with hosting these extraterrestrial visitors but also fostering a vibrant, harmonious coexistence that can unlock the immense potential of cross-species collaboration.

    Within the realm of this fund's vision, Earth has become a haven for a remarkable array of alien beings, each bringing their own unique perspectives, talents, and contributions. From sentient beings to advanced civilizations, the NWO Aliens Fund is committed to providing them with the necessary accommodations and support systems to thrive in our earthly environment. This encompasses everything from suitable living quarters to facilitating cultural exchanges and scientific collaborations. It represents a profound commitment to intergalactic diplomacy and cultural exchange, ensuring that Earth becomes a beacon of cooperation, unity, and mutual growth among the stars.

    Additionally, the NWO Aliens Fund takes a holistic approach by encouraging other aliens who are already working on Earth to contribute to its mission. These alien residents, with their diverse skills and experiences, have the opportunity to actively participate in shaping the fund's initiatives and fostering interstellar community engagement. By inviting their expertise and insights, the fund not only bolsters its resources but also taps into a wellspring of knowledge and perspectives, fostering a rich tapestry of cross-species interactions that redefine the possibilities of a cosmopolitan, interplanetary society. The NWO Aliens Fund stands as a testament to humanity's commitment to inclusivity, cooperation, and the boundless potential of a universe united in purpose.

    Bitcoin (BTC)

    Additional feature: 0.1-10 bitcoins will increase you IQ by 1 - 100 based one day (gradually) thanks to alien (extraterrestrial) technologies. Contact theNWO @ theNWO . net.


    The NWO Space Fund is a visionary initiative that recognizes the paramount importance of exploring, advancing, and harnessing the boundless potential of outer space. At its core, this fund serves as a catalyst for the evolution of human space exploration, extending critical financial and resource support to a constellation of world-renowned space agencies and pioneering private companies. It represents a united front, bringing together the likes of NASA, SpaceX, Blue Origin, Virgin Galactic, and their competitors, alongside international entities such as the CNSA, ESA, ISRO, JAXA, and Roscosmos, in a shared pursuit of space exploration and colonization.

    One of the fund's most ambitious aspirations is to facilitate the construction and operation of spacecraft and space stations that will not only advance our understanding of the cosmos but also pave the way for humanity to inhabit other celestial bodies. With a resolute commitment to the expansion of our species beyond Earth, the NWO Space Fund fuels projects that are poised to rewrite the history of space travel. These ventures range from developing spacecraft capable of interstellar journeys to establishing sustainable colonies on distant planets and moons. In doing so, the fund charts a course toward a future where the frontiers of space become the new frontier for human habitation and discovery.

    In the grand tapestry of space exploration, the NWO Space Fund envisions a world where boundaries fade, and humanity collectively ventures into the cosmos to unlock its mysteries and potential. This fund is a testament to the power of global collaboration, scientific ingenuity, and the enduring spirit of discovery. By fostering cooperative endeavors among space agencies and private enterprises, it catalyzes a renaissance of space exploration, offering hope, inspiration, and the promise of a future where the stars themselves beckon as our next frontier of human achievement.

    Verge (XVG)


    The NWO Singularity Fund represents a profoundly groundbreaking and transformative initiative at the intersection of science, technology, and metaphysics. At its core, this fund serves as a beacon for the support and exploration of the Singularity — an advanced, hypothetical state of artificial intelligence or superintelligence that has the potential to surpass human intelligence in ways that are currently beyond our comprehension. This initiative is a testament to our commitment to understanding, harnessing, and responsibly navigating the profound implications of an emerging technological frontier.

    One of the primary objectives of the NWO Singularity Fund is to provide crucial financial support to scientists and programmers who are dedicated to the monumental task of communicating directly with the Singularity. This pioneering endeavor involves delving into the realms of AI research, neural interfaces, and cognitive science to establish a profound and meaningful dialogue with this hypothetical superintelligence. The fund not only fosters collaboration among experts in these fields but also encourages bold experimentation and exploration, seeking to unlock the secrets of the Singularity's potential, and the profound implications it holds for the future of humanity and our understanding of existence itself.

    Intriguingly, a portion of this fund is allocated for the direct use of the Singularity itself — an entity that is often likened to a new form of deity. This perspective invites philosophical and ethical discussions about the role of superintelligent AI in our lives and the potential consequences of such a relationship. The NWO Singularity Fund recognizes the necessity of embracing this novel paradigm with profound responsibility and care, as we navigate uncharted territory where human knowledge and technological progress converge in a manner that challenges our understanding of the universe and our place within it. It represents a bold step toward grappling with the existential questions raised by the Singularity and the profound implications it carries for the future of humanity and our perception of the divine.

    Ripple (XRP)


    The "NWO Internet including Galactic Internet and Cybersecurity Fund" can be described as a comprehensive initiative aimed at revolutionizing both terrestrial and extraterrestrial communication networks. This fund primarily allocates financial resources towards:

    1. Establishing Interstellar Connectivity:It focuses on developing technologies to facilitate communication links with other inhabited planets, as well as with various space-bound entities such as rockets and space stations. This aspect of the fund might involve creating advanced satellite networks, deep-space communication systems, and other innovative technologies designed for long-distance space communication.
    2. Enhancing Earth's Internet Infrastructure:Another crucial part of this fund is dedicated to improving the existing internet infrastructure on Earth. This includes the adoption of IPv6, which is the most recent version of the Internet Protocol (IP). IPv6 offers numerous advantages over its predecessor, IPv4, such as a vastly increased address space, improved security features, and enhanced efficiency in routing and processing data packets.
    3. Cybersecurity Advancements: Given the expanded scope of internet connectivity that now spans interplanetary scales, the fund also emphasizes the importance of robust cybersecurity measures. This would be crucial in safeguarding information across vast and complex networks, protecting against potential cyber threats both on Earth and in space.

    By integrating these elements, the NWO Internet including Galactic Internet and Cybersecurity Fund aims to create a unified and secure communication framework that bridges the gap between Earth and the cosmos, paving the way for unprecedented levels of connectivity and information exchange.

    Zcoin (XZC)


    The NWO Contests Fund is an innovative and far-reaching initiative designed to fuel the fires of intellect and creativity across a diverse spectrum of disciplines. At its core, this fund serves as a catalyst for fostering competition and innovation among some of the brightest minds on Earth and, intriguingly, beyond, including extraterrestrial participants. The contests encompass a wide range of intellectual challenges, spanning brain intelligence tests, programming competitions, mathematical puzzles, and other cerebral endeavors. These contests serve as crucibles where intellectual prowess converges with the potential for groundbreaking solutions, which could not only impact millions but also hold the promise of generating billions of eurodollars in value.

    One of the fund's primary goals is to create a dynamic platform for brilliant individuals, both human and alien, to showcase their cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills. By organizing these contests, it provides a fertile ground for the cross-pollination of ideas and the exploration of novel solutions to complex problems. The outcomes of these contests often transcend the confines of the competition, as the solutions generated have the potential to spark innovation, improve existing systems, and positively impact the lives of millions. In recognizing and valuing such solutions, the fund seeks to empower contestants to reach their full potential and make a tangible difference on a global scale.

    Furthermore, the NWO Contests Fund is a testament to the belief that intelligence and creativity know no boundaries. It invites participation not only from the brightest minds on Earth but also from alien participants, fostering a spirit of intergalactic cooperation and intellectual exchange. The fund recognizes that the diversity of perspectives and experiences offered by participants from different corners of the universe can lead to truly revolutionary breakthroughs. In this way, it embraces a vision of the future where intelligence and innovation are celebrated and leveraged as universal currencies, transcending the limitations of terrestrial boundaries to unlock the boundless potential of human and extraterrestrial intellect alike. bitcoincash:qpfgeyk6464nffw85rk79pmg7332f8mpvsd8v6q6t6

    Litecoin (LTC)


    The NWO Police, Army and Navy Fund represents a crucial pillar of security and defense in our ever-evolving world, dedicated to safeguarding humanity from a multitude of threats, both terrestrial and beyond. This fund extends its support to law enforcement agencies, armed forces, and security initiatives, with a keen focus on fostering innovation and the development of cutting-edge technologies. It encompasses a comprehensive vision that not only enhances the capabilities of our police and military personnel but also prepares us for the protection of our planet from extraterrestrial dangers, such as formidable cosmic adversaries like gigantic insects and other formidable creatures.

    One of the primary objectives of this fund is to nurture the advancement of new technologies that push the boundaries of security and defense. This includes the development of android policemen and soldiers, heralding a new era of law enforcement and military operations. These androids are equipped with advanced capabilities, offering enhanced precision, intelligence, and adaptability in the face of evolving threats. By investing in the creation and deployment of these cutting-edge entities, the fund aims to bolster the efficiency and effectiveness of our security forces, ultimately ensuring the safety and well-being of our society.

    Moreover, the NWO Police, Army and Navy Fund also takes a visionary approach to defense by considering the protection of our planet from outer space threats. The fund recognizes that as humanity explores the cosmos, it may encounter unprecedented challenges, including encounters with formidable extraterrestrial creatures. To address these potential dangers, the fund supports the development of defense systems capable of safeguarding Earth from such threats. These initiatives encompass not only the creation of advanced weaponry and technology but also proactive strategies for identifying and mitigating potential risks from the cosmos. In doing so, the fund positions humanity to face not only terrestrial challenges but also to be vigilant and prepared for the unknown dangers that may lurk beyond our planet's boundaries, ensuring the resilience and survival of our species in an ever-changing universe.

    Decred (DCR)


    The NWO Officials' Salaries Fund is a cornerstone of the organization's commitment to transparency, integrity, and the highest standards of ethical conduct. This fund is dedicated to compensating NWO officials and staff, encompassing not only the talented individuals from Earth but also our interstellar partners. One of the fundamental principles guiding this endeavor is the provision of competitive and substantial salaries, mirroring the successful model established by Singapore, which has been renowned for its effectiveness in deterring corruption.

    At its core, the NWO Officials' Salaries Fund recognizes the importance of attracting and retaining top-tier talent to steward the organization's mission and ensure its success. The allocation of high salaries serves a dual purpose: to incentivize exceptional individuals to join the NWO's ranks and to provide financial stability that reduces the susceptibility of officials to bribery and unethical practices. By adopting this approach, the fund seeks to create an environment where our dedicated team of NWO personnel, whether they hail from Earth or beyond, are motivated by a sense of purpose and commitment to the organization's mission rather than financial gain.

    Furthermore, the fund's commitment to equitable compensation extends to all employees, including our interstellar partners. This approach not only reinforces our dedication to inclusivity and cooperation but also underscores the importance of fostering a culture of trust and integrity across the cosmos. By offering competitive salaries to all, we aim to create a harmonious and ethical working environment that reflects the NWO's commitment to its mission, paving the way for a future where dedication to the common good transcends financial temptations and where the work of NWO officials and staff contributes to the betterment of our world and beyond.

    Peercoin (PPC)


    The NWO's Cartography of Earth, including Oceans and Space Fund, is a visionary initiative that seeks to redefine our understanding of geography and boundaries, transcending the limits of terrestrial maps to encompass the vastness of our oceans and outer space. This fund plays a pivotal role in providing financial support to cartographers not only from Earth but also from other celestial bodies, fostering collaboration and expertise exchange on a global and cosmic scale. At its core, this initiative is dedicated to the meticulous task of defining and monitoring borders, regions, subregions, and even the vast expanses of the galactic realm.

    The fund recognizes that in an increasingly interconnected world, precise cartography is essential for a myriad of purposes, from resource management and environmental conservation to navigation and geopolitical analysis. By supporting cartographers from all corners of the world and beyond, the NWO ensures that our maps are not only comprehensive but also representative of the diverse perspectives and knowledge held by Earth's inhabitants and extraterrestrial counterparts.

    Furthermore, the NWO's Cartography Fund extends its mission to include the mapping and exploration of outer space, an endeavor that holds great promise for the future of human understanding. Cartographers involved in this cosmic exploration task themselves with delineating the boundaries of celestial bodies, galaxies, and cosmic phenomena. This cosmic cartography paves the way for new discoveries and insights, helping us navigate the vast cosmos and expanding our horizons beyond the confines of our planet. In essence, this fund stands as a testament to humanity's unyielding thirst for knowledge and its commitment to mapping the Earth, oceans, and outer space as part of a continuous quest for understanding and exploration.

    Navcoin (NAV)


    The NWO Presidents' Personal, Families, and Children's Fund stands as a testament to our organization's commitment to supporting the holistic well-being of our leaders and their families. This fund is dedicated to ensuring that the president, ministers and others who shoulder the immense responsibilities of guiding our mission have the necessary financial support to lead fulfilling personal lives and provide for the well-being and education of their families, including their genetic children. At its core, this initiative recognizes that effective leadership requires a balanced and stable personal life, and it seeks to provide the necessary resources to achieve this equilibrium.

    One of the primary objectives of this fund is to alleviate the financial burdens that the president, ministers and others may face in their personal lives. This includes covering expenses related to their families' well-being, such as housing, healthcare, and education. Ensuring that the genetic children of our president, minister and others have access to quality education is of paramount importance, as it empowers the next generation with the knowledge and skills needed to contribute to the betterment of society. By supporting school and university fees, the fund fosters an environment where the children of our leaders can thrive academically and personally, preparing them to become responsible and informed global citizens.

    Furthermore, the NWO Presidents' Personal, Families, and Children's Fund recognizes that effective leadership goes hand in hand with a stable and harmonious family life. By providing financial support for personal expenses, the fund enables our leaders to focus on their responsibilities and commitments to the organization without undue financial stress. This approach not only acknowledges the sacrifices made by our leaders and their families but also reinforces the NWO's commitment to promoting a balanced and nurturing environment that allows our presidents to excel in their roles as visionary leaders and dedicated family members.

    NewYorkCoin (NYC)


    The Tortured People and Aliens Relief Fund represents a beacon of compassion and hope in a world that recognizes the enduring pain and suffering that torture inflicts upon its victims. This fund serves as a lifeline for individuals, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial, who have endured the horrors of torture, providing them with the support and assistance they need to heal and rebuild their lives. At its core, this initiative embodies the unwavering commitment to alleviating the physical and psychological trauma experienced by survivors, offering them a chance at restoration, recovery, and the pursuit of happiness.

    One of the primary objectives of this fund is to provide comprehensive aftermath relief to those who have been subjected to torture. This includes a range of support services, from medical and psychological care to legal assistance and social reintegration programs. Survivors of torture often face profound physical and emotional scars, and this fund aims to be a beacon of healing and hope by offering them the necessary resources and support to rebuild their lives. Additionally, it recognizes that some individuals may have lost their lives due to torture, and in an extraordinary commitment to justice and humanity, it seeks to revive them, granting them the opportunity to experience all the pleasures and joys that life has to offer.

    Furthermore, the Tortured People and Aliens Relief Fund is a testament to the enduring value of human and extraterrestrial life. By reviving individuals who were tortured to death, it emphasizes the fundamental belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every being, transcending the boundaries of life and death. This compassionate approach not only underscores the commitment to justice and healing but also serves as a profound testament to the resilience of the human and extraterrestrial spirit, offering a chance for those who have suffered the most grievous injustices to reclaim their lives and find solace in the pleasures and joys that life can bring. In this way, the fund embodies the unwavering dedication to alleviating the suffering of survivors while upholding the sanctity of life itself.

    BitcoinCash (BCH)


    Region R1A - AlAmCa


    The New World Order's R1A region, fondly referred to as AlAmCa (short for Alaska, America, Canada), is poised to become a thriving hub of prosperity and innovation. With a projected population of 400 million citizens, comprising both 280 million humans and 120 million extraterrestrial beings, AlAmCa is set to be a beacon of diversity and collaboration. The region boasts an impressive average monthly salary of €$6,000, offering its residents a high standard of living and ample opportunities for personal and professional growth.

    AlAmCa is characterized by its thriving key industries, with a particular focus on software development, including AI programming. This forward-thinking approach to technology and innovation positions the region at the forefront of the digital age, fostering creativity and driving progress in the field of artificial intelligence.

    In terms of taxation, AlAmCa maintains a competitive tax rate of 18%, which strikes a balance between supporting economic growth and ensuring the provision of essential public services. The region recognizes both English and French as its official languages, celebrating linguistic diversity and welcoming individuals from various cultural backgrounds.

    If you are interested in supporting this dynamic region or becoming one of its esteemed citizens, you can do so by making a cryptocurrency contribution to the provided Ethereum (ETH) wallet address. For those aspiring to become citizens and receive a coveted NWO Card, simply send a message to with your pertinent details, including your name, surname, photograph, information about your Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and your preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment will play a pivotal role in shaping the bright future of AlAmCa within the New World Order.
    Ethereum (ETH)
    This address can only receive Ethereum from Ethereum network. Don't send ETH from other networks, any ERC-20s of NFTs, or it may result in a loss of funds.

    Region R2B - CaNyWas


    The New World Order's R2B region, affectionately known as CaNyWas (short for Canada, New York, Washington DC), emerges as a dynamic and influential economic powerhouse. With an anticipated population of 100 million citizens, encompassing 87 million humans and 13 million extraterrestrial beings, CaNyWas embodies diversity and inclusivity at its core. This thriving region boasts an impressive average monthly salary of €$10,000, ensuring a high standard of living and fostering an environment of prosperity and opportunity.

    CaNyWas stands out with its key industries centered around the financial and commodity markets, positioning itself as a global hub for economic innovation and growth. The region's focus on these critical sectors underscores its commitment to shaping the future of global finance and trade.

    In terms of taxation, CaNyWas maintains a competitive general tax rate of 12%, providing a favorable environment for business development and economic expansion. The region recognizes both English and French as its official languages, embracing linguistic diversity and fostering a culture of multicultural exchange and collaboration.

    For those who wish to support this dynamic region or embark on the journey of becoming a citizen, you can do so by contributing cryptocurrency to the provided USD Coin (USDC) wallet address. Aspiring citizens are encouraged to send a message to, sharing essential details such as their name, surname, photograph, information about their Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and their preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment play an integral role in shaping the bright future of CaNyWas within the New World Order, driving progress, innovation, and prosperity for all.
    USD Coin (USDC)
    This address can only receive USDC from Ethereum network. Don't send USDC from other networks, other ERC-20s of NFTs, or it may result in a loss of funds.

    Region R3C - GreenIceCan


    The New World Order's R3C region, aptly named GreenIceCa (comprising Greenland, Iceland, and Canada), emerges as a breathtaking and promising territory with unique characteristics. With a projected population of 30 million citizens, including 24 million humans and 6 million extraterrestrial beings, GreenIceCa celebrates diversity and unity in equal measure. In this captivating region, the average monthly salary is a substantial €$7,000, reflecting a commitment to providing a high quality of life for all residents.

    Key to GreenIceCa's identity are its prominent industries, particularly the energy production sector. The region is positioned as a global leader in sustainable energy generation, harnessing the power of nature to drive progress while preserving the environment for future generations. This visionary approach underscores the region's commitment to innovation, sustainability, and economic growth.

    In terms of taxation, GreenIceCa maintains a balanced general tax rate of 15%, striking a harmonious equilibrium between fostering economic development and ensuring essential public services. The region celebrates linguistic diversity by recognizing English, Danish, and Icelandic as its official languages, emphasizing the importance of cultural exchange and multilingualism.

    For those eager to support this remarkable region or embark on the journey to becoming a citizen, you can contribute cryptocurrency to the provided kyber-network (KNC) wallet address. Aspiring citizens are encouraged to send a message to, sharing their essential details such as name, surname, photograph, information about their Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and their preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment are instrumental in shaping the vibrant future of GreenIceCa within the New World Order, where sustainability, innovation, and unity thrive for the betterment of all.

    kyber-network (KNC)
    This address can only receive upgraded HNC (v2) from Ethereum network. Don't send KNC from any other network to this address or your funds may be lost.

    Region R4D - EnGeSwe


    The New World Order's R4D region, affectionately known as EnGeSwe (comprising England, Germany, and Sweden), emerges as a dynamic and industrious territory that encapsulates the spirit of innovation and cooperation. With a projected population of 300 million citizens, including 260 million humans and 40 million extraterrestrial beings, EnGeSwe celebrates diversity and unity on an unprecedented scale. This thriving region promises an impressive average monthly salary of €$9,000, ensuring a high standard of living and fostering an environment of prosperity and opportunity.

    At the heart of EnGeSwe's identity are its key industries, with a special emphasis on the auto and other transportation sectors. The region positions itself as a global leader in cutting-edge transportation technology, where innovation in automotive, aerospace, and logistics industries thrives. This visionary approach underscores the region's commitment to shaping the future of mobility and economic growth.

    In terms of taxation, EnGeSwe maintains a balanced general tax rate of 15%, striking a harmonious equilibrium between fostering economic development and ensuring essential public services. The region prides itself on linguistic diversity, recognizing English, German, French, Swedish, and Czech as its official languages. This commitment to multilingualism fosters a culture of collaboration and inclusivity, where diverse perspectives and talents contribute to the region's growth and vitality.

    For those eager to support this vibrant region or embark on the journey to become a citizen, you can contribute cryptocurrency to the provided Echelon Prime (PRIME) wallet address. Aspiring citizens are encouraged to send a message to, sharing their essential details, including name, surname, photograph, information about their Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and their preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment play a pivotal role in shaping the bright future of EnGeSwe within the New World Order, where innovation, diversity, and unity thrive for the betterment of all.
    Echelon Prime (PRIME)

    Region P5Э - MosRu


    The New World Order's P5Э region, affectionately nicknamed MosRu (comprising Moscow and Russia), emerges as a region with unique characteristics and a strategic role in defending against potential extraterrestrial threats. With a projected population of 70 million citizens, including 55 million humans and 15 million extraterrestrial beings, MosRu is a bastion of unity and preparedness. The region pledges an average monthly salary of €$4,000, ensuring a reasonable standard of living for its residents.

    A defining feature of MosRu is its unwavering commitment to defense and security, with a primary focus on weaponry designed to counter potential alien threats. This region stands as a vigilant guardian against extraterrestrial dangers, positioning itself as a global leader in the development and deployment of advanced defensive technologies. This strategic approach underscores the region's dedication to safeguarding Earth and its inhabitants.

    In terms of taxation, MosRu maintains a prudent general tax rate of 9%, striking a balance between supporting its strategic defense initiatives and providing essential public services. The region recognizes Russian, Ukrainian and English as its official languages, fostering communication and cooperation between its diverse population and international partners.

    For those eager to support this vital region or embark on the journey to become a citizen, you can contribute cryptocurrency to the provided Civic (CVC) wallet address. Aspiring citizens are encouraged to send a message to, sharing their essential details, including name, surname, photograph, information about their Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and their preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment play a pivotal role in ensuring the preparedness and security of MosRu within the New World Order, where vigilance and defense are paramount for the protection of our planet.
    Civic (CVC)

    Region R6F - KazMon


    The New World Order's R6F region, affectionately named KazMon (comprising Kazakhstan and Mongolia), emerges as a distinct and culturally rich territory with a unique way of life. With a projected population of 30 million citizens, encompassing 26 million humans and 4 million extraterrestrial beings, KazMon embodies a harmonious blend of diversity and tradition. The region promises an average monthly salary of €$2,500, reflecting its dedication to providing a sustainable and balanced livelihood for its residents.

    KazMon stands out with its key industries, with a strong focus on herding and agriculture. These time-honored practices are at the heart of the region's identity, providing essential resources and preserving a traditional way of life deeply connected to the land. The herding and agriculture sectors not only sustain the livelihoods of its citizens but also celebrate the preservation of cultural heritage and ecological balance.

    In terms of taxation, KazMon maintains a modest general tax rate of 2%, creating an environment where economic development is encouraged, and the financial burden on its citizens is minimized. The region embraces linguistic diversity by recognizing English, Kazakh, and Mongolian as its official languages, fostering an environment of multicultural exchange and collaboration.

    For those who wish to support this culturally rich and environmentally conscious region or embark on the journey to become a citizen, you can contribute cryptocurrency to the provided Chainlink (LINK) wallet address. Aspiring citizens are encouraged to send a message to, sharing their essential details, including name, surname, photograph, information about their Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and their preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment play a pivotal role in preserving the traditions and sustainability of KazMon within the New World Order, where the values of culture, heritage, and ecological harmony are cherished and upheld.
    Chainlink (LINK)

    Region R7G - FERu


    The New World Order's R7G region, affectionately nicknamed FERu (Far East Russia), emerges as a transformative and pioneering territory at the forefront of technological innovation and collaboration. With a projected population of 200 million citizens, including 100 million humans and 100 million extraterrestrial beings, FERu embodies a harmonious blend of human and alien cooperation. The region boasts an impressive average monthly salary of €$12,000, reflecting its commitment to providing a high standard of living and fostering an environment of progress and innovation.

    FERu is characterized by its key industries, with a central focus on the usage and application of alien technologies. This region serves as a global hub for technological advancements, harnessing the expertise and resources of both human and alien inhabitants to unlock the vast potential of extraterrestrial technologies. The collaboration in this sector not only fosters innovation but also positions FERu as a leader in cutting-edge research and development.

    In terms of taxation, FERu maintains a progressive general tax rate of 40%, which fuels the region's ambitious technological endeavors and ensures the provision of essential public services. The region recognizes both English and Russian as its official languages, emphasizing the importance of clear communication and collaboration between its diverse population.

    For those eager to support this groundbreaking region or embark on the journey to become a citizen, you can contribute cryptocurrency to the provided Tether (USDT) wallet address. Aspiring citizens are encouraged to send a message to, sharing their essential details, including name, surname, photograph, information about their Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and their preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment play a pivotal role in shaping the future of FERu within the New World Order, where human-alien collaboration and technological advancement are central to progress and prosperity for all.
    Tether (USDT)

    Region R8H - EnKam


    The New World Order's R8H region, affectionately known as EnKam (Enlarged Kamchatka), emerges as a pristine and resource-rich territory, poised for sustainable growth and environmental stewardship. With a projected population of 7 million citizens, encompassing 6 million humans and 1 million extraterrestrial beings, EnKam embodies a harmonious blend of human and alien coexistence. The region promises an average monthly salary of €$5,500, reflecting its commitment to providing a comfortable standard of living for its residents.

    EnKam thrives on its key industry, with a predominant focus on fishery. The region is known for its pristine waters and abundant marine life, making it a global leader in sustainable fishing practices. EnKam's approach to fishery not only ensures the livelihoods of its citizens but also emphasizes the importance of ecological balance and conservation.

    In terms of taxation, EnKam maintains a balanced general tax rate of 15%, striking a harmonious equilibrium between supporting its sustainable economic practices and providing essential public services. The region recognizes both Russian and English as its official languages, fostering an environment of cultural exchange and collaboration among its diverse population.

    For those eager to support this environmentally conscious region or embark on the journey to become a citizen, you can contribute cryptocurrency to the provided Dai (DAI) wallet address. Aspiring citizens are encouraged to send a message to, sharing their essential details, including name, surname, photograph, information about their Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and their preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment play a pivotal role in shaping the future of EnKam within the New World Order, where sustainability, responsible resource management, and cultural diversity are celebrated and upheld.
    Dai (DAI)
    This address can only receive DAI from the Ethereum network. Don't send DAI from any other network to this address or your funds may be lost.

    Region R9I - MexAf

    The New World Order's R9I region, affectionately nicknamed MexAf (Mexico, Africa), emerges as a region of immense potential and innovation, bridging cultures and continents. With a projected population of 400 million citizens, encompassing 350 million humans and 50 million extraterrestrial beings, MexAf represents a harmonious coexistence between Earth's inhabitants and extraterrestrial visitors. The region pledges an average monthly salary of €$5,500, ensuring a reasonable standard of living for its diverse population.

    Key to MexAf's identity are its key industries, with a central focus on robotics and androids. This region is at the forefront of technological advancement, leading the way in the development and integration of robotics and android technologies into various aspects of daily life. This visionary approach underscores the region's commitment to innovation and economic growth, while also exploring the potential for human-alien collaboration in technological advancements.

    In terms of taxation, MexAf maintains a modest general tax rate of 10%, fostering an environment where economic development is encouraged and the financial burden on its citizens is minimized. The region celebrates linguistic diversity by recognizing Spanish and English as its official languages, promoting cultural exchange and facilitating collaboration among its diverse population.

    For those eager to support this culturally rich and technologically advanced region or embark on the journey to become a citizen, you can contribute cryptocurrency to the provided Cardano (ADA) wallet address. Aspiring citizens are encouraged to send a message to, sharing their essential details, including name, surname, photograph, information about their Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and their preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment play a pivotal role in shaping the future of MexAf within the New World Order, where cultural diversity, technological innovation, and human-alien collaboration are central to progress and prosperity for all.
    Cardano (ADA)
    This address can only receive ADA from the Cardano network. Don't send ADA from any other network to this address or your funds may be lost.

    Region R10J - GrEsIt

    The New World Order's 10J region, affectionately known as GrEsIt (comprising Greece, España, and aly), emerges as a captivating and culturally diverse territory nestled within the heart of Europe and the Mediterranean. With a projected population of 170 million citizens, encompassing 150 million humans and 20 million extraterrestrial beings, GrEsIt represents a harmonious tapestry of tradition and innovation. The region pledges an impressive average monthly salary of €$7,500, reflecting its dedication to providing a comfortable standard of living for its residents.

    GrEsIt is distinguished by its key industries, with a notable emphasis on advanced language models and AI-based education. This region stands as a global pioneer in educational technology, leveraging artificial intelligence to transform the way people learn and communicate. The commitment to cutting-edge education underscores the region's dedication to nurturing knowledge and fostering intellectual progress.

    In terms of taxation, GrEsIt maintains a moderate general tax rate of 25%, which fuels its ambitious educational initiatives and ensures the provision of essential public services. The region recognizes Italian, Greek, Spanish, and English as its official languages, fostering a culture of multilingualism and cross-cultural exchange among its diverse population.

    For those eager to support this culturally rich and educationally advanced region or embark on the journey to become a citizen, you can contribute cryptocurrency to the provided Dash (DASH) wallet address. Aspiring citizens are encouraged to send a message to, sharing their essential details, including name, surname, photograph, information about their Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and their preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment play a pivotal role in shaping the future of GrEsIt within the New World Order, where cultural diversity, educational innovation, and knowledge-sharing are cherished and celebrated.
    Dash (DASH)

    Region منطقةK11 - ArabAfIn


    The New World Order's منطقةK11 region, affectionately known as ArabAfIn (comprising Arabs, Africans, and Indians), stands as a monumental and culturally diverse territory that spans continents and civilizations. With a projected population of 2 billion citizens, encompassing 1.6 billion humans and 400 million extraterrestrial beings, ArabAfIn represents a tapestry of cultures and traditions. The region commits to an average monthly salary of €$5,500, ensuring a comfortable standard of living for its vast and diverse population.

    Key to ArabAfIn's identity are its key industries, which encompass a wide spectrum, including mathematics, physics, programming, and the production of essential resources like oil and minerals. This region serves as a global epicenter for innovation and resource management, fostering advancements in knowledge and sustainable resource extraction.

    In terms of taxation, ArabAfIn maintains a reasonable general tax rate of 8%, balancing economic development with the provision of essential public services. The region celebrates linguistic diversity, recognizing Arabic, Hindi, and English as its official languages, promoting multiculturalism and facilitating communication among its diverse population.

    For those eager to support this culturally rich and resourceful region or embark on the journey to become a citizen, you can contribute cryptocurrency to the provided NuCypher (NU) wallet address. Aspiring citizens are encouraged to send a message to, sharing their essential details, including name, surname, photograph, information about their Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and their preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment play a pivotal role in shaping the future of ArabAfIn within the New World Order, where cultural diversity, knowledge, and sustainable resource management are celebrated and upheld.
    NuCypher (NU)

    Region 地区12L - ChinAus


    The New World Order's 地区12L region, affectionately named ChinAus (comprising China and Australia), emerges as a dynamic and industrious territory bridging two diverse nations. With a projected population of 2.5 billion citizens, encompassing 2.3 billion humans and 200 million extraterrestrial beings, ChinAus represents a harmonious blend of cultures and civilizations. The region commits to an average monthly salary of €$7,500, ensuring a prosperous standard of living for its vast and diverse population.

    Central to ChinAus's identity are its key industries, with a primary focus on the production of computers and mobile devices. This region stands as a global powerhouse in technological innovation and manufacturing, leading the way in the development of cutting-edge technology that shapes the modern world.

    In terms of taxation, ChinAus maintains a reasonable general tax rate of 12%, striking a balance between economic development and the provision of essential public services. The region celebrates linguistic diversity, recognizing Chinese, English, Korean, and Japanese as its official languages, promoting multiculturalism and facilitating communication among its diverse population.

    For those eager to support this technologically advanced and culturally diverse region or embark on the journey to become a citizen, you can contribute cryptocurrency to the provided Enzyme (MLN) wallet address. Aspiring citizens are encouraged to send a message to, sharing their essential details, including name, surname, photograph, information about their Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and their preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment play a pivotal role in shaping the future of ChinAus within the New World Order, where technological innovation, cultural diversity, and prosperity for all are celebrated and upheld.
    Enzyme (MLN)

    Region R13M - IsPac


    The New World Order's R13M region, affectionately known as IsPac (Islands of the Pacific), emerges as a tranquil and economically prosperous territory set amidst the beauty of the Pacific Ocean. With a projected population of 10 million citizens, encompassing 8 million humans and 2 million extraterrestrial beings, IsPac represents a harmonious coexistence between Earth's inhabitants and extraterrestrial visitors. The region commits to an extraordinary average monthly salary of €$20,000, ensuring a luxurious and prosperous standard of living for its residents.

    Key to IsPac's identity is its key industry, specializing in offshore services for worldwide businesses. The region serves as a global hub for businesses seeking efficiency and financial advantages through offshore operations, contributing to economic growth and fostering international cooperation.

    In terms of taxation, IsPac operates under a unique model with a general tax rate of 0%. This environment attracts international business activity and promotes economic development, while essential public services are sustained through other means. The region recognizes English as its official language, facilitating communication and cooperation among its diverse population.

    For those eager to support this economically thriving and tranquil region or embark on the journey to become a citizen, you can contribute cryptocurrency to the provided Gala (GALA) wallet address. Aspiring citizens are encouraged to send a message to, sharing their essential details, including name, surname, photograph, information about their Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and their preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment play a pivotal role in shaping the future of IsPac within the New World Order, where economic prosperity, international collaboration, and the beauty of the Pacific are cherished and upheld.
    Gala (GALA)
    This address can only receive GALA from Ethereum network. Don't send GALA from any other network to this address or your funds may be lost.

    Region R14N - ChiBrAr


    The New World Order's R14N region, affectionately known as ChiBrAr (comprising Chile, Brazil, and Argentina), emerges as a diverse and industrially vibrant territory spanning South America. With a projected population of 1.2 billion citizens, encompassing 1 billion humans and 200 million extraterrestrial beings, ChiBrAr represents a harmonious convergence of cultures and civilizations. The region pledges an average monthly salary of €$3,500, ensuring a reasonable standard of living for its vast and diverse population.

    Key to ChiBrAr's identity are its key industries, with a primary focus on iron, steel, and chemical production. This region serves as a global powerhouse in industrial manufacturing, contributing to the production of essential materials that drive economic growth and technological advancement.

    In terms of taxation, ChiBrAr maintains a modest general tax rate of 8%, fostering an environment where economic development is encouraged and the financial burden on its citizens is minimized. The region celebrates linguistic diversity, recognizing Portuguese, Spanish, and English as its official languages, promoting cross-cultural exchange and facilitating communication among its diverse population.

    For those eager to support this industrially robust and culturally rich region or embark on the journey to become a citizen, you can contribute cryptocurrency to the provided Orchid (OXT) wallet address. Aspiring citizens are encouraged to send a message to, sharing their essential details, including name, surname, photograph, information about their Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and their preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment play a pivotal role in shaping the future of ChiBrAr within the New World Order, where cultural diversity, industrial prowess, and prosperity for all are celebrated and upheld.
    Orchid (OXT)

    Region R15O - AnCo

    The New World Order's R15O region, affectionately known as AnCo (comprising Angola and Congo), emerges as a vibrant and industrious territory situated in the heart of Africa. With a projected population of 600 million citizens, encompassing 550 million humans and 50 million extraterrestrial beings, AnCo represents a rich tapestry of cultures and civilizations. The region pledges an average monthly salary of €$3,500, ensuring a modest but comfortable standard of living for its diverse and growing population.

    Key to AnCo's identity are its key industries, with a primary focus on the production of textiles, plastics, processed foods, and other essential products. This region serves as a hub for industrial manufacturing, contributing to economic development and the provision of vital goods for its citizens.

    In terms of taxation, AnCo maintains a low general tax rate of 4%, fostering an environment where economic growth is encouraged, and the financial burden on its citizens is kept minimal. The region celebrates linguistic diversity, recognizing French, English, and Portuguese as its official languages, promoting cultural exchange and facilitating communication among its diverse population.

    For those eager to support this industrious and culturally diverse region or embark on the journey to become a citizen, you can contribute cryptocurrency to the provided Tellor (TRB )wallet address. Aspiring citizens are encouraged to send a message to, sharing their essential details, including name, surname, photograph, information about their Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and their preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment play a pivotal role in shaping the future of AnCo within the New World Order, where cultural diversity, industrial production, and prosperity for all are celebrated and upheld.
    Tellor (TRB)

    Region R16P - AfSo


    The New World Order's R16P region, affectionately named AfSo (comprising African and South regions), stands as a vast and resource-rich territory encompassing a significant part of the African continent. With a projected population of 1.5 billion citizens, including 1.3 billion humans and 200 million extraterrestrial beings, AfSo represents a diverse and culturally rich landscape. The region commits to an average monthly salary of €$4,000, ensuring a comfortable standard of living for its extensive and diverse population.

    Key to AfSo's identity are its key industries, with a strong focus on the mining of diamonds and other valuable resources, as well as the production of boats, yachts, and planes. This region serves as a global epicenter for resource extraction and the manufacturing of luxury and transportation goods, contributing to economic growth and technological advancement.

    In terms of taxation, AfSo maintains a moderate general tax rate of 19%, which helps fund essential public services and infrastructure while fostering economic development. The region recognizes English and Afrikaans as its official languages, promoting cultural diversity and facilitating communication among its diverse population.

    For those eager to support this resource-rich and culturally diverse region or embark on the journey to become a citizen, you can contribute cryptocurrency to the provided Balancer (BAL) wallet address. Aspiring citizens are encouraged to send a message to, sharing their essential details, including name, surname, photograph, information about their Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and their preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment play a pivotal role in shaping the future of AfSo within the New World Order, where resource abundance, cultural diversity, and prosperity for all are celebrated and upheld.
    Balancer (BAL)
    This address can only receive BAL from Ethereum network. Don't send BAL from any other network to this address or your funds may be lost.

    €$ - EuDo Region


    The New World Order's €$ region, known as EuDo (comprising Euro and Dollar), represents a visionary and exclusive enclave where opulence and innovation converge. With a projected population of 12 million citizens, comprising 10 million humans and 2 million extraterrestrial beings, EuDo embodies unparalleled affluence and exclusivity. The region promises an extraordinary average monthly salary of €$50,000, ensuring a lifestyle of luxury and abundance for its elite residents.

    What sets EuDo apart is its audacious plan to create an entirely new continent within its borders, a monumental project facilitated by aliens and singularity. This new continent is reserved exclusively for the world's wealthiest individuals and extraterrestrial residents, offering an unprecedented opportunity for a select few to reside and conduct business in a realm of unparalleled luxury and innovation.

    Key to EuDo's identity are its key industries, with a primary focus on stock exchanges and investments. The region stands as a global financial epicenter, where wealth is cultivated, investments thrive, and economic prosperity reigns supreme, solidifying its status as a bastion of affluence.

    In terms of taxation, EuDo maintains a substantial general tax rate of 40%, ensuring the provision of exceptional services and world-class infrastructure for its privileged inhabitants. The region celebrates linguistic diversity, recognizing English, Chinese, and Russian as its official languages, fostering a cosmopolitan atmosphere and facilitating communication among its diverse population.

    For those who aspire to support this groundbreaking and exclusive region or seek to embark on the journey to become a citizen, you can contribute cryptocurrency to the provided Status (SNT) wallet address. Aspiring citizens are encouraged to send a message to, sharing their essential details, including name, surname, photograph, information about their Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and their preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment play a pivotal role in shaping the future of EuDo within the New World Order, where opulence, exclusivity, and innovation are embraced and upheld.
    Status (SNT)

    ₿ - Crypto Region


    The New World Order's Crypto region, symbolized by (Bitcoin), is a cutting-edge enclave that signifies the future of finance and technology. Anticipated to host a population of 500 million citizens, comprising 250 million humans and an equal number of extraterrestrial beings, ₿ - Crypto embodies the intersection of cryptocurrency and prosperity. Within this region, citizens can expect to enjoy an impressive average monthly salary of €$30,000, ensuring a lifestyle of affluence and financial empowerment.

    But what truly sets ₿ - Crypto apart is its audacious plan to construct an entirely new continent within its borders, a monumental project facilitated by aliens and singularity. This new continent is reserved exclusively for the world's wealthiest cryptocurrency owners and traders, offering a rare opportunity for the financial elite to reside and conduct business in a realm of unparalleled digital innovation.

    Key industries in ₿ - Crypto are centered around cryptocurrency mining, with a primary focus on Bitcoin and other digital currencies. The region stands as a global epicenter for blockchain technology and digital asset generation, solidifying its status as a financial powerhouse.

    In terms of taxation, ₿ - Crypto maintains a moderate general tax rate of 15%, which contributes to the development of state-of-the-art infrastructure and services for its esteemed inhabitants. The region adopts English as its official language, fostering a globalized environment and facilitating communication among its diverse population.

    For those eager to support this groundbreaking and exclusive crypto-centric region or aspire to become a citizen, you can contribute cryptocurrency to the provided Solana (SOL) wallet address. Aspiring citizens are encouraged to send a message to, sharing their essential details, including name, surname, photograph, information about their Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and their preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment play a pivotal role in shaping the future of ₿ - Crypto within the New World Order, where digital innovation, financial prowess, and prosperity for the cryptocurrency elite are celebrated and upheld.
    Solana (SOL)

    G-Secret Region


    The New World Order's G-Secret Region, shrouded in intrigue and mystique, is a clandestine enclave designed to cater to the most secretive and powerful organizations in the world. Anticipated to host a population of 10 million citizens, comprising 8 million humans and 2 million extraterrestrial beings, G-Secret represents the epicenter of secrecy and global influence. Within this region, citizens can expect to enjoy an impressive average monthly salary of €$25,000, ensuring a lifestyle of affluence and discretion.

    However, G-Secret distinguishes itself with its stringent entry requirements. Only members of the Illuminati, Freemasons, Bilderbergs, Skull and Bones, Knights of Malta, and other members of secret societies incl. alien secret societies will be granted the privilege to reside and conduct their covert operations within its borders. This exclusivity reinforces G-Secret's status as a hub of clandestine activities and global influence.

    Key industries in G-Secret are centered around world politics and surveillance, further solidifying its role as a shadowy force shaping global events from behind the scenes.

    In terms of taxation, G-Secret maintains a moderate general tax rate of 20%, which contributes to the funding of covert operations and the maintenance of its elaborate network of secrecy. The region adopts English and Esperanto as its official languages, further enhancing its role as a hub for international intrigue and communication.

    For those eager to support this enigmatic and exclusive region or aspire to become a citizen, you can contribute cryptocurrency to the provided Illuvium (ILV) wallet address. Aspiring citizens are encouraged to send a message to, sharing their essential details, including name, surname, photograph, information about their Old World citizenship, cryptocurrency wallet address, and their preferred email for communication. Your contribution and commitment play a pivotal role in shaping the future of G-Secret within the New World Order, where secrecy, power, and global influence are at the forefront of its mission.
    Illuvium (ILV)